Seeing through the soul

My eyes have been opened to the truth

But this sight is not through my eyes

It is through my soul that I truly see

I will never understand why it happened now

Why it happened to me

Not before nor after this moment in time

I only know that I have woke from a dream

The dream I thought was real until now

A light switch flicked on

Bright and burning for the whole world to see

No longer am I separate, different and alone

God is in me

I just was not awake to this fact

If I walked the earth with no person by my side

For the rest of whatever human life I have left

This temporary journey

I would never be alone

I have everything I need already within me

I always have but have failed to see

That this power of ultimate and unconditional love

Has already shown to itself to be

Working miracles big and small

This way it has always been

Only if I pay attention to not miss them

I am aware of the beauty of what lies around me

In each spirit that roams this lifetime

I finally know the potential for what is to come

In all things

And for this reason I carry the flame of hope