Is Life Supposed To Be Hard?

There’s so much beauty in the world.

It’s in every moment.

Only if I’m constantly looking back into the past or planning, worrying or stressing about the future, I can’t see the beauty and amazement that lies in what’s right in front of me.

Some say life is tough.

They say it’s supposed to be hard.

I’ve thought that before.

I think it is hard if you believe it is supposed to be hard.

I am eternally thankful that I’ve had a different experience now.

I’m more free now than ever before, not because life has gone or suddenly started going my way but because I gave up resisting everything and everyone.

I strive to remain present.

By giving up resistance I find I don’t need to suffer.

How can I judge what’s happening when I can’t see the end result?

What my experience tells me is that allowing what is to just be, I am happier, calmer, more peaceful and joyous.

Living in gratitude for what I have just brings more into my life.

The universe comes to me and my life just becomes a whole lot better.


Wrapped in strong arms

Holding me tightly

Against your skin I melt

Into the center of your soul

Head tucked under your chin

A gentle touch across my back

Looking up to meet eyes of golden brown

As you look back into mine

My breath is taken from me

Warmth radiates within

In awe of true connection

The essence of beauty

Existing in moments like these

Perfection living in this togetherness

Two souls merge into one

Creation and Focus

It wasn’t until I became conscious of the truth that I began changing my reality.

When I understood that I am energy, like everything that exists, and every thought, belief, word and action sends out signals into the energy field of the universe, I began to finally focus that energy to create something beautiful.

I began to create the existence that I always wanted.

I never knew I could really do it.

I was already creating my existence but I wasn’t aware of it.

Just like my creator, I have been given the same ability to create anything I wish.

That’s what we are here to do, to experience the magnificence of what we are, not to just know it.

I can know things but I exist to experience.

It all begins with thought.

So to create the reality I wish to live in, I am constantly mindful of my thoughts.

I work to resist nothing and instead to focus my heart and mind on what I want to experience, not what I don’t want.

What I focus my attention on grows and that includes what I don’t want.

I see this working in my life and in the lives of others.

There are no limits to the things we can do.

It all starts with a loving heart and constant thought of others.

The universe responds because it wants this for me and for you.

Today I will create something amazing.

Thank You Universe

My life today is more amazing than I could’ve ever imagined.

I have been awakened to truth.

Through this experience I have unlearned most of what I thought knew.

I have held myself back my whole life by thinking and believing small.

In reality, the sky is the limit.

I have been opened up to love deeply.

I’ve recently met a lovely person that I can share anything with and is absolutely inspiring.

I have an unshakable foundation and connection with God to weather any storm.

I work at the best place on the planet and my career is taking off super quickly.

I get paid to be of service to humanity.

Today I am free, full of hope, joyous and happy.

Thank you universe for lifting me up out of the darkness and into the light.

Try This…

Rise above negativity and drama.

When someone you love is suffering, point out the positive in their life, when they can’t do it on their own.

Allow someone else to have the last word.

Be okay with the idea of not knowing what’s best for anyone else and allow them their own experience.

Smile at people you pass on the street.

Ask someone else how they are doing and listen to their response.

Do something kind for someone else without anyone ever knowing it was you.

Don’t take yourself, others and life so seriously.

Find the humor in things and laugh at it all.

Love the people in front of you the best you can.

Tell the ones you love how much you love them while you can.

Kiss and hug as many people as humanly possible.

Thank the universe for another day alive on this planet.

Positivity and Living

What happens when you focus on retraining yourself to think positive, stay present, stay in gratitude, bring light to all situations, serve your creator and love without conditions?

Life opens up in ways unimaginable.

Yes it takes practice, especially when we have lived our lives contrary to this way of life.

We never get perfect.

However, I’ve experienced and continue to experience the dramatic turn life takes when constantly practicing this way of life.

Every single area of my life has gotten better.

Most importantly I have been given inner peace, love, connection, companionship, and more ways to serve the planet and the people on it.

It’s been possible by holding on during the tough times and riding it like the wind when it’s great.

Seconds and Inches

Life happens in seconds and inches.

Just one moment before or one moment after and we may miss or we may catch things.

Results from either determine our path as well as others.

Just when I think there couldn’t possibly be a reason for the way life seems to be going, I just can’t seem understand it, I am reminded as to why every second in this life is purposeful to the greater good.

When I feel I can’t let go of something, someone comes a long into my life and then it all makes sense.

When I least expect it, when I’m not even looking, something happens when I look into another’s eyes and it all makes sense.

I am reminded of how I got here, to this moment, to this experience.

I am reminded of the gifts that rain down from above as a result of being true to myself.

I am reminded of why moving through and into the pain carries great rewards.

Staying the course and moving towards love, towards God, grants miraculous events to come.