Creation and Focus

It wasn’t until I became conscious of the truth that I began changing my reality.

When I understood that I am energy, like everything that exists, and every thought, belief, word and action sends out signals into the energy field of the universe, I began to finally focus that energy to create something beautiful.

I began to create the existence that I always wanted.

I never knew I could really do it.

I was already creating my existence but I wasn’t aware of it.

Just like my creator, I have been given the same ability to create anything I wish.

That’s what we are here to do, to experience the magnificence of what we are, not to just know it.

I can know things but I exist to experience.

It all begins with thought.

So to create the reality I wish to live in, I am constantly mindful of my thoughts.

I work to resist nothing and instead to focus my heart and mind on what I want to experience, not what I don’t want.

What I focus my attention on grows and that includes what I don’t want.

I see this working in my life and in the lives of others.

There are no limits to the things we can do.

It all starts with a loving heart and constant thought of others.

The universe responds because it wants this for me and for you.

Today I will create something amazing.


Judgement is pervasive, sneaky and infiltrates every aspect of my thinking.

It separates me from God’s will, my truth and other humans.

Just when I think I am not in judgement of myself, it pops up in another form or area of my life.

If I do not remain present and aligned with my spirit, I constantly find myself judging my thoughts, feelings and experience.

Judgement will say:

I shouldn’t have done this.

I shouldn’t feel this way.

I shouldn’t think these thoughts.

I should be farther along than I am.

I made yet another mistake.

I don’t have enough.

I’m not enough.

When in truth there is no should or shouldn’t. There is no right or wrong.

There are no mistakes in God’s world.

That includes anything I say, think or do.

I am not supposed to see the whole picture, the end result, the intricacies of this divine plan.

I need to be where I am to get to where I am going.

I can’t build a skyscraper without the first brick.

God says I am enough, worthy, beautiful, perfect and right where I am supposed to be.

Nothing I could do could ever be wrong.

I have turned absolutely everything over to this power I do not understand yet experience every day.

My only concern is, have I loved those right in front of me the best I could?

If I’ve done that, my soul can rest peacefully.

Mirrors Of Truth

The struggle ego drives against allowing truth to be heard can at times be much stronger than others, especially when off center.

Ego doesn’t have to win though.

Ego wants us alone, isolated. It wants us to view ourselves as separate, different. It wants to keep us afraid, especially of closeness to others.

There are people that come into our lives that encourage us to be and do better. They encourage us to continue to grow, even when our mind has us in its grip and fights it. They carry the light for us when we feel like we can’t.

As uncomfortable as it can be because ego always wants to be in charge, when someone speaks truth, our soul hears it.

We recognize truth not from the specific person speaking it but because it is already within us. They just are a mirror of the truth we already know.

But we need those mirrors so we can be reminded when we forget. Those people placed around us who work to raise consciousness are gifts of the universe to hold close.

Ego wants us anywhere but the present because everything we need is there. In the present moment there is nothing to fear. The people we love are in the present. God is in the present.  Yet ego refuses to look in right here and now for completeness because it can’t survive there.

There is nothing in future moments that will make us whole, yet we rush to them chasing that lie.  If we just get this thing, that amount of money, approval from “them”, job security, the right partner, ego says then we will feel complete.  

We get these things and sure enough, wholeness is not found.  

Ego just wants something more.

But we are only ever in the here and now.

Completeness and wholeness is right here, in this moment.

And that is the truth.

Practice Staying Present

I am so blessed to be where I am today. The universe has led me on a beautiful path to purpose and freedom. When I finally awakened, spirit said to me that I have a job to do on this planet. At that beginning point, clouded by a loud thinking mind, it just wasn’t clear yet exactly what that was.

My being knew it was true.

The path hasn’t always been a straight one. I am always learning and growing. My mind left unchecked has taken me off course at times but thankfully by constantly working to come back to center, I get back on track.

I stay as humble as possible and learn from my experiences so I can keep evolving.

Reading The Power Of Now by Ekhart Tolle has been transformative for me. I have found that I literally awaken as I read it. It’s amazing and has helped free me from the bondage of my ego or “thinking”.

Staying present and becoming conscious to the truth, that I am not what comes from my mind, has been setting me free. Understanding that my ego can only survive if I am in the past or the future, I can observe the thoughts and feelings that come up and know that they are not what’s real.

More and more I can distinguish the difference between the voice of ego and the voice of my being. I can find peace and lasting joy by shining a light of consciousness on my ego.

It only takes constant practice of being present.

Ego cannot survive if I stay present.

It’s so simple.

Everything in the here in now is perfect… and exactly how it should be.

Creating Reality

The problem that causes all of my “problems” in this human experience lies not in truth but in my perception of my day.

My reality is based in the story I tell myself. My feelings follow from whatever story I am telling myself.

Most always, nothing changes in my day. Truth does not change. It’s the story I start telling myself from my thoughts that cause me to feel a certain way.

It comes from my judgement of events.

That judgement comes from belief systems not based in truth.

I can start to tell myself a new story.

I can tell myself any story I wish and then my feelings can change around what I see is happening.

I can tell myself wonderful stories, stories of gratitude, and create a wonderful existence.

I have the power to control my feelings.

I can tell myself that every moment in my present life is bringing me to something greater.

It lies in the connection of mind, body and spirit.

Guided by spirit, I can change what my mind thinks, my “feelings” and the reaction of my body to my thinking mind.

Being constantly aware of the story I tell myself takes practice.

If I let God in I have the power to change it all, to change my entire reality.


Peace Is In Each Moment

All the ideas I had based living my “old life” on, ones I never knew I believed let alone consciously questioned where they came from, have proven inafective.  They had been keeping me in bondage.

I’ve been blessed with the gift of clarity and awareness to the truth.  Inititally it was like a blindfold lifted from my eyes.  Now, it’s like a slower process of my eyes focusing to the adjustment of a bright light after only seeing darkness.

Living in a state of being “off to the races” as some call it, speeding through life in an effort to do the most, get the most and feel the most I possibly could, had me under the allusion that I would find wholeness.  The problem was, I was missing everything and found nothing but a never ending rabbit hole that led me to hell.  I would’ve kept chasing that lie had it not been for a divine intervention.

I was in a constant fight with everything and everyone.  Nothing was ever acceptable to me.  No outcome was good enough.  No person acted as I thought they should.  God was punishing me.  Life was futile.  My whole emotional well being was dependant on outside factors lining up just the way I wanted.  

And they never did.

Coming to and breaking down, I saw that I knew nothing of how things should be for me or anyone else.  I saw in my own life that I needed pain, loss and insanity.  Though not liking it (and I still don’t), I needed it to surrender my will and rigid way of thinking.  I needed to experience lack of control to see that I control nothing outside of my own actions.  

Relief is allowing things to be as they are.  Peace is not needing things to happen in any certain way, by seperating myself and my feelings from what happens around me, allowing the flow of the universe to just pass through me.  

Moving slow and steady, training my thinking to stay in the day I am in and focusing on experiences in each present moment, help me stay centred.  I am aware of and experience synchronicity.

I can feel connected.

I can be loving.  

I can be free.

Knowing that in this very moment, separate from the chaos of the past and the fear of future, I am okay, I can find peace.

Everything is beautiful today, right here, right now.  I am right where I am meant to be.

Life is unfolding right before my eyes.  Instead of futile and tragic, it appears fascinating and exciting.